Team+Video sports video analysis

Team+Video sports video analysis

Coach your team remotely!

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Press Release - Team+Video sports video analysis

Are you a coach? Do you want to get your whole team on the same page even when you're not practicing together?

Team+Video App is a team focused video coaching app, with an integrated web site for creating & reviewing feedback with the team. Team+Video is a quick way to connect and get feedback, with a key feature being TeamSnap integration for easy sharing. There's also a hosted video web portal for private dialog between coaches and athletes.

Key Features:
- Capture, and mark-up your videos with drawings, diagrams and voice overs, on the go. 
- Share your videos with your team, or online, seamlessly by email or with TeamSnap integration.
- Organize your videos into Team folders. 
- Invite others to view & add to the video collection. 
- Share videos with other Team+Video users, or privately on the web with a custom link to your videos.
- Users can comments on your videos from Team members and share feedback between teammates, privately.

Team+Video sports video analysis Screenshots

Press Releases